I want to write about happiness.
It seems so much nowadays, that our generation, our sisters and brothers, our best friends and schoolmates are lost. All I hear is about how 'lost' people feel and how all they want in life is happiness. I think this, the pure longing for a sense of happiness from well over half of my generation, is what makes me feel upset sometimes. It makes me feel like all the hope in looking back on my teenage years in joy is gone.
So, in my own little way, for the very few people who will read this I want to give you some reasons that you should be happy:
- you're breathing
- you were born
- you can smile and laugh
- the world is yet to end
- we can change the prospect of the ending world
- there are people in the world, just like you, going through shitty times
- we have no responsibility
- there is music
- zooey deschanel exists
- harry potter exists
- you have the ability to imagine
- we can paint and draw and write and read and sing
- someone loves you, very very much
- there's a whole world we are able to explore
- there is still a natural world
- we can swim and run and dance
- sometimes it is actually good to be alone - solitude is bliss
there are a few things that make me extremely happy.
I can bet my bottom dollar that one of these things relates to you.
So smile, we're alive, let's put it to good use yeah?