Saturday, January 1, 2011

Changing World's

My world is changing, for the better.

I once lived in this place, this world, that not many people knew about. A world where I had to find myself happiness and it was something that I often struggled to find.

Everything is changing in my world though.
My world has done a backflip.

Now, I live in this world, where happiness is easy to come by. I am always happy and have not shed a tear in a very long time. The people that I surround myself with have opened my eyes in so many ways. I don't know how or why, but this happiness has become a flame, that burns inside of me, it's not going out and I hope it doesn''t in the near future.
I'm writing again.

by the simple smile,
of friends, fallen.
Fallen, like leaves,
from the sky.
Like a gift,
from God himself.
Not I, not me.
This flame,
from the depths of the wik.
A happiness,
that only I can feel.
Keep burning,
my flame,
do not blow out,
don't let your light fade.
An everlasting light.
Cast by an everlasting flame.
Lit by their hearts.
My friends.

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