Constantly throughout our lives we are reminded of our past, of the things that have formed and shaped us into the people we are today. But, in complete honesty, how often do we take the time to actually reason for our actions? How often do we focus on the past, rather than the future and what we want to become? It's these questions that I cannot answer for myself.
A recollection.
To begin with, we are shaped, from early ages, by our family. Those who we hold most dearly and love whole-heartedly. Continuously throughout our lives they influence us. They teach us, help us to learn.
We then grow. We are placed in environments where we are forced to engage with others. We find comfort within groups. Groups of friends, people who support you and love you, for long periods of time. They are people with whom you can be confident with. They stick by you no matter what.
It is within these groups and from other experiences that we find special people. Those who touch your heart and soothe you're soul. They are the people who you idolise, those you base your persona on. You have faith in them, complete and utter trust and a love and bond that no one can break. These people formulate who you are.
Experiences prepare us for what we are to expect, and both the good times and bad have evolutionary effects on us as people. We shed tears, feel love, share hugs and smile endlessly. It's these times where we learn our expected behaviours and our memories are shaped. Memories that will never ever fade.

And as time goes on, we are asked to reflect on how we have come to be, why it is we smile at certain things, why we are comfortable in some situations and not in others, the reason why we feel the need to live. Often we don't reflect, we move forward in an almost formulated routine, thinking only about tomorrow and the pressures to succeed and be the people who we aren't. I, myself, find it necessary to reflect, to think about the people that you, after significant recollection realise, you couldn't live without. To pull apart you're memories and think about the moments that have left you wondering if life could possibly get any better, those ones that will never ever go away, that took your breath away at the time and still do now. I think this, the recollection, the memories, the people, this is who we are. It defines us, well I know it defines me.
I owe the world to these people, to these memories. A lifetime of love.
Innnnncredinle! Sew deep but actually just so good! xxx