Sunday, March 27, 2011


I was able to borrow my brothers partners camera over the weekend, I completely took advantage of it. Here's some shots:

My lord I want a camera.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Come and see me, so I can have fun at my brother's wedding.
You only live once and the HSC isn't everything. However, we will do homework.

In case you couldn't tell, I'd love you to be here. :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011


And again, she writes. Yes. Yes. Yes.


Shards of light,
beneath the colour,
inside your eyes.
into the misty,
but unrealistically beautiful,
of moonlight.
Scattered visions,
of night,
after night,
after night,
but never the same.
As like mice,
the visions,
plaster themselves,
on the walls of your mind.
Remember now,
that night,
so long ago,
the moon,
within your heart.
Dancing in the sky.
Dancing light,
within your eyes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We Are Family

I once stated, that to begin our lives we are formed and shaped by the people around us, and in the most early parts of our lives, it is our family that holds that role. We as people, often overlook the value and importance of these people. This is mostly because they are an everyday thing, waking up, they are the first people to see and going to sleep, we say our goodnights to them last. I've come to realise in the last few weeks, that the importance of our family is unable to be measured. In recent times, I have spent a large amount of hours doing family orientated things, mostly due to my brothers wedding coming up. I felt it necessary at this point in my life, when I am so close to loosening myself from their warm grip and hitting up the big wide world, to proclaim my complete and utter undying love for my family. This is them; Mother, Father, Ben, Shara, Hamish, Ashur, Sam, Carina, James, Matt, Elise, Levi, Andrew. These people I know will be there forever, I love them with all of my heart and I thought it was about time I told someone.

"To us, family means putting your arm around each other and just being there."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

And again..

On Wednesday at school, we had 'Have A Say Day', an annual shebang we do at school so people have a chance to talk about whatever they want. This year the theme was love, it got me thinking all the more about it.

I want it, I want someone to show me what it is, how it works. I'm not often like this, but I really want someone I can crawl up to whenever I want, corny as hell, but we all have our phases. The only love in my life, is in pictures and my mind. Someone come, someone let me know what it is, how it feels. I really want to know.

Here are some things I want/love:

this is the cuteness i desire

give me her weight and body, thanks

i could live here and fall asleep under the stars

yes please

damn the world

my true love

yes i was here, in that, best weekend of my life

want to be

shoes, leads, music - lovely

a whole other world - let me help

paper cranes

Show me love.