Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We Are Family

I once stated, that to begin our lives we are formed and shaped by the people around us, and in the most early parts of our lives, it is our family that holds that role. We as people, often overlook the value and importance of these people. This is mostly because they are an everyday thing, waking up, they are the first people to see and going to sleep, we say our goodnights to them last. I've come to realise in the last few weeks, that the importance of our family is unable to be measured. In recent times, I have spent a large amount of hours doing family orientated things, mostly due to my brothers wedding coming up. I felt it necessary at this point in my life, when I am so close to loosening myself from their warm grip and hitting up the big wide world, to proclaim my complete and utter undying love for my family. This is them; Mother, Father, Ben, Shara, Hamish, Ashur, Sam, Carina, James, Matt, Elise, Levi, Andrew. These people I know will be there forever, I love them with all of my heart and I thought it was about time I told someone.

"To us, family means putting your arm around each other and just being there."

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