Friday, January 14, 2011


Currently, in the top half of my country, there are floods. Horrible, detructive and life-ruining floods. Houses, offices, businesses, all underwater. It is not good. Then, on the other side of my country, there are flames and fires. Set, by stupid, inconsiderate people who have no heart or self-conscious. It really is terrible. But, all this destruction and damage that is sweeping across this country, makes us deepen our ties within our country. Most people, feel the heartache and desperation of these people and desire to help them. We want to work together as a country, as a race of people and unite under this disaster. This is the good that comes from it. I truly think it is a wonderful thing. These people, living through this, have been so brave and courageous, setting others lives before oneself, an act not many can undertake.

It makes us question the materialistic things we value so deeply and whether they are what truly matter. Do we really need the clothes and jewellery? For me, it has completely opened my eyes. In a situation like that I know for a fact that as I was swept with water it would not be the new dress I got, or my new shoes that I would clutch, it would be the hand of my Mum, or Dad, any family member or friend. I would not run back inside during a fire, for a mere necklace, only to find a loved one.

So, today as you or I sit and watch the news, question the value in the life you are living, don't measure it in money, only love. For it is only those who can truly find happiness in the smile of a friend or the touch of a family member, that will have hope in their lives again.

But. for now. We give them prayers and send them love. We care, we all care. :)

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